Curriculum and Programs

Our school program is based on the Early Years Learning Framework and the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines.

We use a range of both traditional resources and modern resources including iPads, computers and interactive TVs which are available in every class. 

Each phase of the early childhood program helps the children to:

  • Be successful, thus develop self esteem
  • Happily leave their caregiver
  • Relate to other children
  • Work independently and cooperatively
  • Follow directions
  • Assume some responsibility
  • Develop effective speaking and listening habits
  • Practise courtesy and consideration

 We aim to provide an early childhood program that will:

  • Develop children who will be self-confident and independent.
  • Promote language, social, physical, creative and cognitive development.
  • Enable children to develop skills, abilities and attitudes that will encourage strong educational outcomes.
  • Encourage children’s interests and use of imagination.
  • Set all children on the path to become successful learners.

 If at any time you have a concern about your child and their academic or social progress, please see the teacher and organise an appointment to discuss any issues. Please do not “sit” on an issue. It is always easier to ‘nip a problem in the bud’ than to let it grow until it becomes overwhelming.