Morning Tea and Lunches

Morning tea time is at approximately 10.45am. We ask that parents please have separate morning tea and lunch boxes.  We request that morning tea boxes contain a healthy snack.  The morning tea boxes are brought inside in the morning and placed in the baskets.  

Lunch boxes can be placed inside or left in school bags (depending on the weather).  We ask that you please don’t send junk food as we promote healthy eating at school.  Some options are: fruit, vegetables, yoghurt, cheese sticks, ham, polony, sultanas or sandwiches, etc.  Students are not allowed to share food as we have children with severe food allergies. Students will need a drink bottle each day with water only.

Ordering Lunch

Our Canteen operates every Wednesday and Friday.

Lunches can be ordered on these days by placing orders in the basket in the classroom or using our online ordering system Quickcliq.

The canteen is always looking for parent helpers. If you can support our canteen for a short time during your day please contact the canteen manageress or a P&C member.

Canteen Stop Light Food Labelling

On our canteen menu you will notice a G or an A next to each item.

G-Green choice – Healthy option

A – Amber choice – Select carefully.

R – Red choice foods, such as deep fried or high sugar soft drinks are not offered in our canteen.

To support our healthy eating strategy, we request that you do not send items such as soft drinks, energy drinks etc to school with your child.

Healthy Lunch Boxes and Crunch and Sip

Fairview promotes healthy eating choices. Through our school, we have a Crunch & Sip program that encourages students to stay hydrated (with water) and eat healthy food.

The Crunch and Sip break is not only a time to encourage children to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, it is also an opportunity to encourage the habit of drinking water. Research indicates that children rarely drink enough water and often forget to drink unless reminded.

Please try to include some fresh fruit and vegetables in your child’s lunch box every day.


easy-to-eat fruit such as a small apple, strawberries,  mandarin or banana


  • vegetables such as carrots, celery sticks or cherry tomatoes 


  • a clean, clear water bottle filled with plain water