Your child will begin with full time schooling, i.e. 15 hours of Kindergarten per week. If your child has trouble coping, please talk to the teacher. If parents are calm and unconcerned about leaving their children at the start of the day, there is a greater likelihood that the children will also be unconcerned about their parents leaving. Tears are normal, but experience has shown that brief goodbyes work most effectively.
Messy activities are a part of our routine. Although care is taken to protect clothes, accidents do happen. We keep a small supply of spare clothes. However, it is not an endless supply, so if your child wears different clothes home, please return them washed as soon as you can.
All children should bring a change of clothes (including underwear) in case of accidents. This will need to change as the weather changes. All clothing, including hats need to be labelled.
We strongly support school uniform. Please ensure your child is wearing good climbing shoes, e.g. joggers.
School Bag
All children should have a good-sized bag to put their work in to.
Please label all pencils, glue etc. and send to school in their labelled pencil case. The magazine box needs to be covered and have a photograph of your child and their name on the front.
Parents’ parking is available at the end of the Vernon Street entrance to the school and behind the Kindy/Pre-Primary buildings – accessed via Steere Street. Parents are requested to exercise great caution when parking and driving on and around the school grounds.